Thursday morning was wet and miserable, so our group went in different directions - some in search of the elusive Dorchester Abbey (100 miles away in Dorchester on Thames, not the local town!), others went to a swannery, but four of us went first to Hooke Park in search of misty-moisty atmospheric conditions. As soon as we arrived there, the rain stopped and shortly afterwards, the sun came out! I took my infra red body and got atmosphere if not Mist & Moist! I also captured some nature photographers in action!
Next we went to Powerstock Common which, as the morning warmed, was teeming with insects. I was also very impressed with the sheer numbers of wild orchids - mostly Common Spotted, but nonetheless impressive for one used to the grain lands of Cambridgeshire!
Shield Bugs
Marbled White Butterfly
Six spot Burnet Moth
Common Spotted Orchids